Ever since Neolithic times, alcohol has played a central role in all human cultures. Without exception, all societies have a history of embracing alcohol as part of their unique history. In fact, alcohol can be considered a cultural artifact; the form and meanings of drinking alcoholic beverages are culturally defined. The way drinks are consumed, under which conditions they are consumed, and with whom they are consumed are all part of each individual culture. And this has always been important to each one.
It's time we celebrate this. International Culture of Drink Days is our opportunity to embrace the common thread that ties the world together, through booze.
Starting on the first Friday in August, try something new, or drink something you already love. But whatever you do, think about where it comes from and celebrate that culture.
Here are a few tips:
Gather with friends to enjoy and discover different spirits from around the globe.
Celebrate those cultures responsible for the production of spirits.
Unite the world under the banner of spirits by celebrating the drinks of all nations together on a single weekend.
However, many folks agree, just raise your glass, tankard, bottle or can and toast the single constant and common thread of all people and cultures. Whether it is at a bar, club, pub, or even at home, it is simple enough to find recipes on line, prepare drinks according to tradition, and experiment and enjoy. Drink responsibly, and share the wonders of the world thru spirits.
Pick a drink that says something about your heritage, or a friend's cultural background, or something of interest to you (for whatever reason). Here is a list that will get you started:
CHEERS! Here’s to you! Bottoms up!
The clinking of glasses can help cement friendships and celebrate new ones. it’s an expression of goodwill. So raise your glass and celebrate the cultures that enjoy drinks as much as you do. Here is how to toast in 20 different languages:
Afrikaans: Gesondheid
Pronounced: Ge-sund-hate
Meaning: Health
Chinese (Mandarin):干杯 / gān bēi
Pronounced: Gan bay
Meaning: Cheers
Czech: Na zdravi
Pronounced: Naz-drah vi
Meaning: Cheers
Dutch: Proost
Pronounced: Prohst
Meaning: Cheers
French: Santé! / À votre santé!
Pronounced: Sahn-tay / Ah la vo-tre sahn-tay
Meaning: To your health
German: Prost / Zum wohl
Pronounced: Prohst / Tsum vohl
Meaning: Cheers/ to your health
Greek: ΥΓΕΙΑ
Pronounced: Yamas
Meaning: Health
Irish Gaelic: Sláinte
Pronounced: Slawn-cha
Meaning: Health
Italian: Salute / Cin cin
Pronounced: Saw-lutay / Chin chin
Meaning: Health/ cheers
Japanese: 乾杯/ Kanpai
Pronounced: Kan-pie
Meaning: Cheers/ Empty the glass
Korean: 건배
Pronounced: Gun bae
Meaning: Cheers/ toast
Lithuanian: į sveikatą
Pronounced: Ee sweh-kata
Meaning: To your health
Moldovan: Noroc
Pronounced: No-rock
Meaning: Luck
Polish: Na zdrowie
Pronounced: Naz-droh-vee-ay
Meaning: To your health
Portugese: Saúde
Pronounced: Saw-OO-de
Meaning: Health
Russian: Будем здоровы/ На здоровье
Pronounced: Budem zdorovi/ Na zdorovie
Meaning: To your health (It is interesting to note that most Russians rarely use this expression, and the above is used more by foreigners. Russians will change their wishes based on the person and celebration.)
Spanish: Salud
Pronounced: Sah-lud
Meaning: Health
Swedish: Skål
Pronounced: Skawl
Meaning: Cheers (and don’t forget to look everyone in the eye!)
Welsh: Iechyd da
Pronounced: Yeh-chid dah
Meaning: Good health
Yiddish: Sei gesund
Pronounced: Say geh-sund
Meaning: Be healthy